intuitive teacher | holistic healer | author
Become a student in the Maureen Hancock University a life-changing program to help you discover and develop your spiritual abilities.
She has spent decades demystifying the overwhelming subject matter of death, and helping individuals to flex their intuitive muscle, and tap into messages from spirit. A teacher of sorts, Maureen’s work has brought comfort, hope and healing to the masses. read more
Join Internationally Renowned Spirit Medium Maureen Hancock LIVE at one of her many visits throughout the country for the most unique family reunion ever witnessed inside Postcards from Heaven is a healing, uplifting event that will leave you knowing our loved ones in spirit are still with us. Maureen uses light-hearted laughter to raise the energy in the room, and open the door to the other side.
Maureen takes you deep inside the mind of a medium with her Spirit Communication Made Easy workshops to impact your thoughts, impressions, feelings, interpretations, & visions as they all come alive. Maureen leads you through exercises to take your abilities to the next level.
With decades connecting to spirit and teaching others how to open their own hearts and minds Maureen has personally created each product with you in mind from grief to opening up your own gifts.
“We all have the ability to see, feel, and hear spirits when we learn to clear the clutter blocking these connections.”
Maureen Hancock
Maureen’s ability to interpret and understand messages from the deceased is remarkable. She describes events, locations, and situations so eerily; it’s as if she were present when these events occurred. I’m amazed and awestruck at her comprehension and specific knowledge of the lives of people that she’s never even met. Her interpretations are inspiring and comforting to the grandest skeptic.
Maureen is the Real Deal. I recently attended her Show Postcards from Heaven and was blown away by her Spiritual connections with the audience. So I wanted to read her book. I wanted to know her story. It was thoroughly enjoyable. I highly recommend her book!
I have seen Maureen Hancock's Postcards from Heaven shows three times so far and am planning to go again soon. Even if she doesn't connect with you personally you are blown away by what she says to others. I couldn't wait for her latest book to come out and I was not disappointed! Her style of writing makes you feel you are listening to a friend share her experiences and give you advice.
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